EONEMP (Earth Observation National Eutrophication Monitoring Programme) is a service that generates map layers and reports about the levels of eutrophication in water bodies in South Africa. It inherits from a research prototype by Dr Matthews that did the same for South African coastal waters.
For each reservoir in South Africa it processes Sentinel-3 scenes as soon as they are published and outputs derived spatial and statistical products that are automatically published on the EONEMP website (http://eonemp.cyanolakes.com)
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Kartoza took the coastal water monitoring prototype and Sentinel-2 processing code and did the following:
Developed the Django web application and front-end at http://eonemp.cyanolakes.com
Developed MapServer web map services and SLD styles that provide the data layers in the EONEMP web application.
Server side bash and Python scripting to fetch, process and publish Sentinel 3 scenes and derived data on a routine schedule.
Refactoring research algorithms from Dr Matthews in Python into robust production code. This is the code that generates chlorophyll-a, cyanobacteria and other derived products from Sentinel-3 data.