FLOSS-SOLA and QGIS consulting, training and support
The FAO and international consultants had managed a land reform project in Lesotho and instituted a digital cadastral land management system based on FLOSS SOLA (now called ‘Registry’).

OSS-SOLA and QGIS consulting, training and support
The FAO and international consultants had managed a land reform project in Lesotho and instituted a digital cadastral land management system based on FLOSS SOLA (now called ‘Registry’).

Land Information System for Ogun State, Nigeria
Ogun State in Nigeria started implementation in 2012 of their first digital Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). At its core are new Land Information and Land Administration Systems, of which Kartoza was the core developer.

SpatialMatrix Limited (for Ogun State Government)
Ogun State in Nigeria started implementation in 2012 of their first digital Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). At its core are new Land Information and Land Administration Systems, of which Kartoza was the core developer.

Land Information System for Ogun State, Nigeria
Ogun State in Nigeria started implementation in 2012 of their first digital Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). At its core are new Land Information and Land Administration Systems, of which Kartoza was the core developer.

The project was a continuation of the maintenance and development of InaSAFE from a previous contract with the client.

We built the InaSAFE Realtime based off InaSAFE libraries, and made numerous enhancements to QGIS in order to support the activities of InaSAFE and InaSAFE Realtime.

DFAT 61886 InaSAFE
We built the preliminary version of the InaSAFE QGIS plugin, created much of the current project infrastructure such as the web site, documentation system etc.

InaSAFE DFAT 73177
The InaSAFE plugin is used to perform scenario assessments in the case of a disaster such as a flood, fire, volcano, tsunami, earthquake etc

Cadasta QGIS plugin
The objective was to develop a QGIS Python plugin to enable Cadasta clients to interact with the Cadasta service at https://cadasta.org/ via its API