
Viewing posts for the category Database

Collaborating on a QGIS Project saved in a PostgreSQL database

Posted by: Admire Nyakudya | in Database, QGIS | 3 years, 8 months ago | 4 comments

QGIS provides a couple of options when it comes to working with QGIS projects. All these formats have their strengths and weakness. When doing some work in QGIS we used to share around the QGIS projects but ever since storing the QGIS projects in a PostgreSQL database became an option we have been investigating using this as our primary method of collaboration.

PostgreSQL SSL setup in docker-postgis

Posted by: Admire Nyakudya | in Database, Docker, PostGIS | 3 years, 9 months ago | 4 comments

Databases are the cornerstone of most web applications and also act as a central repository for the storage of data.

Batch count vector features intersecting series of blocks in PostgreSQL

Posted by: Admire Nyakudya | in Database | 5 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments

The national mapping agency in South Africa (NGI ) caters for national mapping, digital topographic and other Geo-Spatial Information services. The department is mandated to provide spatial data for the whole country. In most cases, they have an in-house team that is responsible for digitizing aerial photography, field validation to produce vector data that is used to make 1:50 000 topographic maps.

Playing with Foreign Data Wrappers in PostgreSQL

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in Database, FOSSGIS | 10 years, 7 months ago | 1 comment

Recently I set out to try out the PostgreSQL foreign data wrapper (FDW) because I needed access to data that was in MySQL tables. The main reason I needed to play around was to expose my data to a range of PostgreSQL functions that are better and more recent that MySQL. I also needed to use MySQL data for views and lookups and data-driven styling for some Geoserver layers. FDWs allow remote access to tables or queries from various external third-party databases or file structures.

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