
Viewing posts for the category PostGIS

PostgreSQL SSL setup in docker-postgis

Posted by: Admire Nyakudya | in Database, Docker, PostGIS | 3 years, 6 months ago | 0 comments

Databases are the cornerstone of most web applications and also act as a central repository for the storage of data.

QGIS Road to Nerdvana Episode 18: Introduction to PostgreSQL and PostGIS

Posted by: Seabilwe Tilodi | in PostGIS, QGIS | 3 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments

This is a walk-through showing how PostgreSQL and PostGIS can be used as a geospatial data store and then the data in that store be consumed and created by geopandas.

QGIS Road to Nerdvana Episode 7: Logging Postgres Calls

Posted by: Seabilwe Tilodi | in PostGIS, QGIS | 4 years ago | 0 comments

In this episode, Tim Sutton will show you how to enable PostgreSQL logging and what underlying queries are generated by QGIS or any other PostgreSQL client.

FOSS4G 2019 and QGIS in Bucharest

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in Conference, FOSSGIS, GRASS GIS, GeoNode, GeoServer, Leaflet, PostGIS, Python, QGIS | 5 years, 2 months ago | 0 comments

Open source GIS is alive and well and continues to grow in leaps and bounds around the world. Why so many Government entities in South Africa continue paying a fortune of tax-payers money for privative GIS and database software beats me, when wealthy, developed countries (as in most of Europe, for example) saw the light years ago and enthusiastically embrace FOSS.

Creating a live, topic specific mirror of OpenStreetMap in PostGIS

Posted by: Tim Sutton | in Docker, PostGIS, QGIS | 5 years, 7 months ago | 3 comments


In this article, we will do a walk-through of creating a live mirror of OSM for a specific country or region and for a specific set of OSM features. For this example, we will fetch all building data for Angola into a PostGIS database, and update that database with new features as they arrive in OSM. Providing an OSM mirror in this way is a powerful tool to pair the power of OSM with the power of QGIS and PostGIS. Now you will be able to do offline analysis of the data in OSM. How does this all work? Here is a little diagram that illustrates the underlying architecture (click for a larger version):

Using NOTIFY to automatically refresh layers in QGIS

Posted by: Tim Sutton | in PostGIS, QGIS | 5 years, 8 months ago | 460 comments

One of the most brilliant but little-known features of QGIS is the ability to trigger layer refreshes and events in response to notifications from PostgreSQL. This was developed by the wizards from Oslandia and is easily added to any existing table in your PostgreSQL database - including PostGIS tables. This feature was added in version 3.0 (see Take for example this simple table:

Adding elevation to a line from a DEM in PostGIS and maintaining accurate measures

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in PostGIS, QGIS | 6 years, 3 months ago | 0 comments

This is the second in a three part series on the behind-the-scenes GIS work that can go into planning a complex event, in this case the Cape Town Marathon.

How to create a point distance marker layer along a line in PostGIS

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in GRASS GIS, PostGIS, QGIS | 6 years, 3 months ago | 0 comments

This is part 1 of a 3-part series.

Setting up geogig in a production environment

Posted by: Admire Nyakudya | in Docker, GeoServer, PostGIS | 6 years, 5 months ago | 0 comments

GIS practitioners and developers have long been interested in versioning spatial data. Luckily the folk at LocationTech have enabled us to do so through the provision of GeoGig (formerly geogit). Moreover, Geogig can interact with GeoServer seamlessly. At Kartoza we use Docker for orchestration of our services and as such it will form the backbone of this article.

Alternatives to Google Maps Engine

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in Boundless Suite, FOSSGIS, GeoServer, PostGIS | 9 years, 9 months ago | 0 comments

Google will be supporting Google Maps Engine (GME) for only one more year. If your company uses GME or was thinking about it, you'll need to consider alternatives. Kartoza offers various alternatives depending on your use case. We are BoundlessGeo partners and offer support for the OpenGeo Suite in southern Africa. For more details of the Google announcement, including various scenarios where you should consider the OpenGeo Suite, see BoundlessGeo's take on it.  Kartoza also offers development, support and training services across other components of the FOSS GIS stack that offer alternatives to Google and other proprietary products - we'd love to hear from you!

Orchestrating GeoServer with Docker and Fig

Posted by: Gavin Fleming | in Docker, FOSSGIS, GeoServer, PostGIS | 9 years, 11 months ago | 3 comments

In this article I will detail how to set up a simple orchestrated system of docker containers using:

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